Well my friends, the time has come for me to say adieu.. But only for a month. In the next four weeks, I will be embarking on the adventure of a lifetime. I am apart of the International Students Volunteer program where we’ll be teaching the children of Copey, Costa Rica about sustainability within their country using art as a way of expression. I have never been so excited for anything in my entire life and know that this will truly be a life-changing experience. My heart is called to serve others and being able to do that in a brand new culture with children is a blessing in itself. After two weeks of doing service, I will be traveling throughout Costa Rica in the most adventurous way possible with activities such as white water rafting, surfing, zip-lining, horse back riding and just exploring the jungles and all that this beautiful country has to offer.
Unfortunately, since we’ll be in a remote location for the entire trip, I will not be bringing a computer which means no blogs. But never fear, I will be back in just a few shorts weeks with an exorbitant amount of pictures and stories that will all be shared here.
Pray for safe travels!